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china hotsale Portable Skin Analyzer for Body Health

Type:Biochemical Analysis System
Brand Name: PengxinTONGQUAN
Model Number:TONGQUANA
Place of Origin:Guangdong, China (Mainland)

Product Description

                                                     Portable  skin analyzer  for body health     

Product description:

Analysis of 1, basic skin; 2, deep skin dialysis; 3, the stain analysis; 4, the pore analysis; analysis of 5, 3D; 6, automatic analysis of the age of the skin;

Analysis of 2 skin

A, moisture test: the skin electronic tester test the digital input computer;

B, the oil test: through electronic skin tester surface oil on the skin, computer analysis result;

C, test pore size: detected by electron microscopy, computer analysis;

D, skin test: detected by electron microscopy, computer analysis

E, skin smoothness testing: detected by electron microscopy, computer analysis

G, pigment: pigment content test through skin electronic tester skin surface, computer analysis

3, according to the skin test results, determine the customer and skin nursing methods and recommended cosmetics;

4, storage of skin image customer (a screen can collect multiple sites or multiple courses of image is provided for analysis).

Beautician can decide the customer the following conditions:

General skin: skin furrow irregular, irregular shape

Dry skin: skin groove fine, texture than the messy

Oily skin: pores essence, shiny texture is not obvious

Aging skin: texture gradually disappear in a single direction

Acne skin: sebum accumulation in the pores, large pores

Sensitive skin: the skin is thin, microvascular expansion irritable

Face and skin: sebum accumulation in the pores, bacterial infection, cause fester

Pigmented skin: black pigmentation, aggregation of plaque.

The skin detector product configuration:

1, professional skin detection and analysis system

2, USB skin test instrument

3, 50 times the skin epidermal / dermal lens


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Health Analyzer

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