MAIKONG Metatron NLS,Quantum Analyzer,3D NLS Health Analyzer,Health & Beauty Personal Care,Laser Therapy Machine,High Potential Therapy Device,Skin Scope Analyzer,Therapy Massager Machine,Wegwerfinfusions-Pumpe,Detox Foot Spa,Electrostatic Therapy Machine,Sub Health Analyzer,Iriscope Iridology Camera,Quantum Biofeedback Machine,Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer,Disposable Infusion Pump,Laser Healing Device,USB Iriscope,Medical Infusion Pumps


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7d nls,8d nls,9d nsl,17d nls,18 dnsl,hunter 4025,hunter 4021 (3)

TongQuan Limited is a leading exporter and supply chain service provider on Health equipment:7d nls,8d nls,9d nsl,17d nls,18 dnsl,hunter 4025,hunter 4021,net,Health Analyzer,capsule nls,Skin analyzer,breast analyzer,Body Therapy,portable nls, accessories and all others related in medical applications.

With more than 8 years experience, our products have been exported to more than 50 countries and obtain good reputation because of our best price, high quality and excellent service. We always do our best to provide the service that you required to continually improve your return-on-investment, help your bottom line and take the lead in your industry.

We build good relationship and work strictly with manufacturers on quality inspection before shipment .The wide range of service we provide can reduce the number of suppliers you use, increasing your efficiency and cutting costs to your bottom line. Sunny workers for all your sourcing needs.

We believe “Customers success is our success, and our success is customers success”. It will be our great honor to service you .Hope we can build up mutual business cooperation in the near future.